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Why an Access Control System Is an Essential Part of Your Commercial Security

28 September 2018

If you’re running a business in Calgary, AB, you know how important it is to secure your spaces. From integrated alarms to smart security cameras, your office remains fully protected when you know what’s going on in and around it.

But some of the most vulnerable areas are entry ways. So, why wouldn’t you do what you can to protect them?

In this blog, we’ll explore why you should invest in a robust commercial control systems. Want to learn more? Just keep reading.


Secure Access

Access control isn’t a new concept. If you’ve ever used a lock and key, you get the basic idea.

Even digital access control has been around since the 1980s. Keycard locks weren’t just a sci-fi fantasy – they’ve been a ubiquitous part of office technology for decades.

Today’s systems are a bit different. Smart access control takes the concept to a whole new level. How? By integrating with the rest of your technology for full coverage.

Modern smart locks can work with surveillance cameras and alarms to activate the necessary devices that keep your spaces safe.

When a user engages the lock with their digital key, each part of your system can spring into action. If the user is unauthorized, receive an immediate notification and let your smart security system do its job.

Keys Have Changed

As we’ve mentioned above, keycards have been around for a while. Modern systems use much more personalized means of entry: biometrics.

Biometrics are systems that use parts of your body, like your fingerprint or retina, to identify users and grant access.

They’re hard to counterfeit, and the system keeps a log of each time the lock is used. That means you can see who entered and when they left, for even more security.

Upgrade with Total Office Automation

Though access control is specifically used to secure your spaces, it can also help you lower overhead costs and help your staff feel more comfortable.

By integrating lights and thermostat control with your smart locks, your system can begin working or return to a standby state when certain users enter or leave your space.

That will help ensure lights are never left on when they aren’t needed, and the HVAC system won’t keep running when there’s no one in the office.

Want to learn more about how access control can benefit your business? Click here!



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